True Wind Values


I strive to be the same person in the (virtual) therapy room that I am outside of it. This means sometimes we laugh together, cry together, swear together, and curse capitalism together. I don’t pretend to be perfect so neither should you.


I may be the expert on the therapeutic process but I trust you to be the expert on you and your life experiences. I will walk alongside you in the process, not ahead of you, and we will decide together what the best course of action is.


I believe you are so much more than the worst things that have happened to you or the worst things you have done. My hope is to model compassion to you so it becomes easier to be compassionate towards yourself.


I treat everything as a learning experience. Throughout the process, we will become scientists together. Sometimes we will try things that won’t work but we will use it as an opportunity to gather data and fine-tune our treatment plan. 


From the very beginning, I’m up front about my practice policies. From a trauma-informed perspective, I demystify the therapeutic process so you know why I’m asking certain questions or encouraging certain activities. 

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